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In order to create a congenial and dignified residential atmosphere, the Board of Directors has adopted Rules and Regulations for the guidance of all owners, their families and guests. In general, the Rules are not original to us, but are the result of our experience and the experience of other associations. These Rules and Regulations may not please everyone entirely nor were they designed to satisfy individual personal desires. This would be an impossible task. From our experience, they will meet the approval of a large majority of owners and this is the only means of achieving success in this kind of living.

The Architectural Review Board meets the 3rd Thursday of each month to review permit applications. Please submit applications a week prior to each meeting so any questions or open items can be addressed.  Applications can be handed to any ARB committee member or placed in the newspaper box at 39 Monarch Ct.

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Charlie Zelinsky

ARB Chair


The ARB membership is,

Al Britsch (Secretary),

Bob Hammond,

Jim Jackson,

John McLaughlin, and

Charlie Zelinsky.

Upcoming meeting dates 


Feb 20

Mar 20

(All are third Thursdays)

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Please contact the ARB when you are complete your permitted project

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